Program Archive Name: Program: CEnvi version 2.11 for Windows-32 (NT&95) Short description: CEnvi for Windows is is a shareware C interpreter that doubles as a Windows batch language. CEnvi makes C as easy to use as a batch language, but with much more power. Long description: Cmm (C minus minus) is 'C' for the rest of us. CEnvi runs Cmm programs in the DOS, Windows, OS/2, NT, etc... environments. Together, CEnvi and Cmm make the power and flexibility of the C programming language part of every computer user's environment, without the hardware, time, and programmer resources needed for developing full-blown C programs. With CEnvi and Cmm, anyone can take control of their computer environment. C is not just for programming nerds anymore. CEnvi utilites, macros, batch files, and scripts can quickly be created, shared, and modified among all computer users, professional and amateur alike. CEnvi can be incorporated at a pace that is comfortable to you: you may just want to use CEnvi code set up by a more experienced user, you may want to enhance existing batch files with a line or two of CEnvi code, or you may write complete utilities using CEnvi. 150+ built-in functions, create your own, or call into Windows or other DLLs. 50+ sample files are included to demonstrate Cmm programming, DLL links, reading time, file read/write, controlling other programs, interacting with Windows and DOS, creating graphics and dialog windows, serial communications, menu and dialog creation or automation, and much more. $38. Also available for OS/2 and DOS. CEnvi source: Nombas Internet: 64 Salem Street CompuServe: 72212,1622 MEDFORD MA 02155 USA BBS: (617)391-3718 Phone: (617)391-6595 Fax: (617)391-3842 ************************* CENVIN.ZIP FILE LIST ************************* CENVIN.ZIP, the Unregistered Shareware CEnvi package for Windows, contains the following files: *CENVI.EXE: CEnvi shareware executable for DOS, OS/2, or Windows. *CENVI.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 1: CEnvi Unregistered Shareware *CMMTUTOR.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 2: Cmm Language Tutorial *CMM_VS_C.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 3: Cmm versus C, for C Programmers *CENVILIB.DOC: CEnvi Shareware Manual, Chapter 4: Function Library *LICENSE.DOC: CEnvi Unregistered Shareware License Agreement *README.DOC: Introductory file. Read this first for quick intallation. *REGISTER.DOC: CEnvi registration form *INSTALL.CMM: Cmm source file for installing this shareware version *AddItem.cmm: Add Group and Item to Program Manager *AllSave.cmm: Select SAVE option on all windows *Ascii.cmm: Display the ascii character table *BarClock.cmm: Display current time in title of active window *BattMem.cmm: Show values stored in a PC's battery-protected memory *BMP.lib: Routines for reading and displaying .BMP files *BmpView.cmm: Demonstrate the BMP.LIB routines by reading any number of .BMP files and displaying them *BootEd1.cmm: Start NotePad to edit c:\AutoExec.bat and C:\Config.sys using Windows DLL's. *BootEd2.cmm: Start NotePad to edit c:\AutoExec.bat and C:\Config.sys using CEnvi's spawn() function. *BugHunt.cmm: Example for using the ClipBrd.lib routines. Constantly scan clipboard for "bug" in clipboard text *ClipBrd.lib: Library of routines for reading from or writing to the Windows clipboard *ClipSort.cmm: Sort text in-place within the clipboard *CmmEdit.cmm: VERY simple text editor; developed step-by-step in the tutorial chapter of the CEnvi User Manual. *CmmGroup.cmm: Create a CEnvi Programs group in Presentation Manager with all of the .CMM files in it *Comm.lib: Simplified function interface into Windows' serial communication routines *CommKybd.cmm: Send all data coming into serial port as keystrokes to the active window *DDE.lib: Library of common routines and definitions for Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) *DDEcli.cmm: Sample DDE client; works with DDEsrv.cmm *DDEcli.lib: Library of routines for a DDE client *DDEdir.cmm: Show directory listing of all DDE servers *DDEsrv.cmm: Sample DDE server; works with DDEcli.cmm *DDEsrv.lib: Library of routines for a DDE server *DelOld.cmm: Delete files older than specified age *DirDiff.cmm: Compare two directory listings for differences *DlgCtrl.lib: Library of routines for interactive with Windows dialog boxes and other windows with sub-window *DosTime.cmm: Show time according to computer's internal clock *DOS_BOSS.LIB: Functions for sending keystrokes to and reading data from DOS sessions *DOS_ECHO.CMM: Demonstrate DOS_BOSS.LIB by echoing text to/from DOS session *DOS_LOOK.CMM: Use DOS_BOSS.LIB to look at contents of a DOS window *Dropper.cmm: Perform command for all files Drag-&-Dropped to this tool *ExamineW.cmd: Display lots of data about any active window and its sub-windows *ExitWin.cmm: Exit Windows; options to save files, force applications to quit, restart Windows, and reboot computer *Fibonacc.cmm: Two methods for generating the Fibonacci sequence *FranTick.cmm: Animated tick who drank too much coffee *FullScrn.cmm: Run any command started in maximized window *GDI.cmm: Demonstrate some of Windows' graphics functions from GDI.lib *GDI.lib: Library of a few of Windows' graphics routines *GloblMem.lib: Functions to work with Windows' global memory resources *Hello.cmm: My first Cmm program. Used to begin the Cmm tutorial. *HexDump.cmm: Display hexadecimal dump of a file *Icon.lib: Functions for setting minimized icon *IconMany.cmm: Show all of the icons in Program Manager *Icons.cmm: Minimize all windows. Demonstrate PostMessage() from Message.lib. *IdleTime.cmm: "ScreenSaver" - Show clock if computer is idle *InputBox.cmm: Demonstrate uses of the InputBox() routine in InputBox.lib *InputBox.lib: InputBox() function to allow for a dialog-like box for user input *Install.cmm: Install this version of CEnvi. *KeyCode.cmm: Display keycodes returned by getch(). *KeyGhost.cmm: Demonstrate how to use KeyPush.lib to control other applications. *KeyPush.lib: Library of routines created for passing keystrokes to a window with the current focus. *KillDOS.cmm: Force DOS window to close *MenuCtrl.lib: Library of routines for interactive with menus *MenuNot.cmm: Disable or delete a menu item *Message.lib: Wrapper for Windows' PostMessage() and SendMessage() function to send commands to windows. *MsgBox.lib: A wrapper library for Windows' MessageBox() function. This file is #include'd in other CEnvi sample files. *MsgBoxes.cmm: Show various message box types using the function in MsgBox.lib. *MyCal.cmm: Start/menu/position calendar *NumLock.cmm: Set the NUMLOCK key ON *OneProg.cmm: Run one and only one program until it exits *OnTop.cmm: Float window to top of all other windows *OpenCmm.cmm: Use Windows' common dialog (via PickFile.lib) to select a *.cmm file to edit. *OptParms.lib: Library of routines for parsing the optional parameters for executing a program. #included in other files *OS2Sessn.cmm: Execute sessions from Windows under OS/2 *PGroups.cmm: list all of the groups and items Program Manager; uses ProgMan.lig *PickFile.lib: A simple interface to the GetOpenFileName() function in the Windows Common Dialog DLL. This library file is #include'd in some of the other CEnvi sample files. *PMButt.cmm: Replace Program Manager with a tiny button in upper-left corner for access to all PM items *PMCorner.cmm: Minimize Program Manager and then move its icon to the lower-right corner of the screen. *PongTime.cmm: Bounce the Windows clock mini-app around *Print.cmm: Copy file to printer, treating printer as a file *Profile.lib: Function library for accessing Profiles; i.e. .INI files *ProgMan.lib: Library of routines using DDE to communication with Program Manager *Quote.cmm: Choose a "profound" quote at random *RebootNT.cmm: Reboot from Windows NT *RndWalls.cmm: Random wallpaper selection at timed intervals *RunAgain.cmm: Repeatedly run command at specified interval *RunTime.cmm: Schedule a command to execute at a specified hour and minute. *SafeFMan.cmm: File Manager with dangerous menu options removed *SaveScrn.cmm: Start screen saver now *ServeOS2.cmm: Work with CEnvi for OS/2 and WIN_BOSS.LIB to control Windows sessions from OS/2 * DOS TSR to work with DOS_BOSS.LIB for complete keyboard control of DOS sessions *TaskButt: Task Manager replacement; 1-click access to tasks *Terminal.cmm: A simple terminal program; demonstrate some of the functions in COMM.lib *WhoRYou.cmm: Design and implement a dialog box using CEnvi's MakeWindow() and DoWindows() functions *WinBeep.cmm: Call Windows' MessageBeep() function. *Window.lib: A few functions and many defined values useful for CEnvi's MakeWindow(), BreakWindow(), and DoWindows() functions *WinExec.lib: A wrapper library for Windows' WinExec() function. This file is #include'd in other CEnvi sample files. *WinExecs.cmm: Demonstration of Windows' WinExec() function using the wrapper from WinExec.lib. *WinList.cmm: Show a list of all Windows, their handles, and their children. *WinMsg.cmm: Demonstrate how to make a window, and show all the messages that go to that window *WinRun.bat: Run Windows commands from DOS session; client to work with WinRun.cmm *WinRun.cmm: Run Windows commands from DOS session; server for WinRun.bat *WinShell.bat: Start windows with a specific shell. Run Windows for a single program. This use CENVI.EXE for DOS. *WinTools.cmm: Demonstrate many of the capabilities of WinTools.lib *WinTools.lib: Library of routines for directly manipulating windows by name or by handle *WinUtil.lib: A small selection of utilities that may be #include'd in CEnvi code to get simple access to Windows DLL functions.